Marry in Catholic Church

Hello there…meet us again in Ada Indonesia!?! What a lovely day…especially if you can share it with someone that you love.
Have you seen our post about Marry in Indonesia? If you’re Catholic and want to marry with catholic expatriat in Indonesia, I hope these information will help you to have all documents that you need. As Indonesian citizen, you will need:
Salinan asli surat baptis terbaru. Terbaru artinya, tidak lebih dari 6 bulan dari pelaksanaan perkawinan
Fotokopi Sertifikat Kursus Perkawinan
Mengisi formulir pendaftaran perkawinan yang ditanda tangani ketua lingkungan calon mempelai sesuai tempat berdomisili
Fotokopi KTP calon mempelai & saksi
Foto berwarna berdampingan pria di sebelah kanan wanita (ukuran 4 x 6) sebanyak 3 lembar
Fotokopi surat baptis
And for the expatriat, you will need:
Baptist certificate
Copy of Wedding Course Sertificate
Declaration of Single Status from the Church with the two witness
If you cannot attend the course together, you can do it separately in each country. You need to fill the registration form minimum 4 month before the wedding day, then you will need to book the date for the wedding. When all documents are complete you need to present them minimum 2 month before the wedding day.
I think that’s all…hope it can helps you. Thank you for visiting our website. We love to hear from you, so please leave your comment down bellow.
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Have a lovely day, and take care! We’ll see you again in our next post. Tetap di Ada Indonesia…see you soon!