Category: Documents

citizenship 0

Borne citizenship

Hello everybody, Apa kabar? oday I want to share something that was happening to me when I got my first “Permesso di soggiorno” (residence permit) in Italy and a problem in the citizenship reported on...

surname passport 3

Declare your surname

Halo semua…selamat pagi!! Nice to see you again in our blog… Ada Indonesia!?! his month we celebrate our wedding…time passed very fast, without we realize, it’s already 1 year … lot of memories behind...

Catholic wedding 0

Marry in Catholic Church

Hello there…meet us again in Ada Indonesia!?! What a lovely day…especially if you can share it with someone that you love. ave you seen our post about Marry in Indonesia? If you’re Catholic and...

pre wedding 0

Pre-wedding Photographer

Ciao a tutti…and Halo Indonesia!! Related to the information about Marry in Indonesia, today we want to give you an information about a pre-wedding photographer that can help you to make your pre-wedding pictures....