Kusuma (ENG, INDO, & RUS pattern)

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24 Responses

  1. Linda says:

    This is so beautiful! Thank you for sharing.

  2. Stephanie says:

    What a beautiful pattern! Thank you for sharing your talents.

    • Ada Indonesia says:

      You’re very welcome. Thanks for downloading my pattern. I hope you enjoy making it. Happy crocheting

  3. Chelsea says:

    Great job for your first pattern! Looks wonderful. Keep up the good work. Crochet is such a wonderful hobby and it can be a fun business too. I look forward to seeing more from you… hopefully!

    • Ada Indonesia says:

      Thanks a lot for the support Yup! Crochet is really nice hobby & seeing a lot of beautiful creation in social media really amaze me. I hope I can be consistent in creating more doilies

  4. Loraine says:

    Beautiful! How much thread is needed?

    • Ada Indonesia says:

      Thanks. Oohh…I didn’t measure it. But I use DMC thread & I used less than 1 ball. Maybe 1/4 to 1/2 ball.

  5. MsrySnn says:

    BeUtiful! And I really like the way your pattern is laid out. Very easy to read. Thank you!

  6. Gay McDonald says:

    I also wish to thank you for sharing this lovely pattern. I will enjoy making it in Australia. Best wishes

  7. It’s a beautiful pattern and I’m enjoying making it! One question please … in row 12 you have asked us to mark 1st and 4th dc for use in row 16. But row 16 you don’t use them. Can you please clarify? Thank you!

    • Ada Indonesia says:

      Hi..thanks for downloading my pattern . Yup! You’re right! It’s a mistake. It was a trial but then I changed a little bit the pattern & I forgot to delete the marking. So the pattern it’s ok just no need to mark at Row 12. Thanks again for your correction

  8. Melanie Smith says:

    Beautiful pattern, thank you for sharing it.

  9. Susan Carey says:

    Hi! Thank you very much for your pattern. I’m having a little trouble with row 22. Maybe the markings for the repeat aren’t around the right part? Thank you again. I hope to complete your pattern soon!

    • Ada Indonesia says:

      Hi…thanks also for downloading & making “Kusuma”. I checked row 22, but I didn’t find something wrong there. Do you mean 12 instead of 22? I made a writing mistake in Round 12…you should not mark any stitches there for round 16. If there is another question, please write to me again and if you have any instagram accountn can you post thr pic of your Kusuma there and tag me..so I can see it. Thanks again

  10. Karen says:

    First of all, thank you so much for sharing such a beautiful pattern. Second, I’m confused on round 11. It shows I should have 16 FPdc2tog and 96 sc, but there are no FPdc2tog stitches in the instructions for that row. Instead I see FPdtr-cluster stitches. Looks like I should be doing something with working 2 stitches together since I’m suppose to be marking them for round 13. Help!

    • Ada Indonesia says:

      You’re so welcome. I’m so happy that you downloaded & now making this pattern. I’m sorry I did a mistake there. You’re right, it should be FPdtr-cluster instead of FPdc2tog, then mark the first FPdtr-cluster from Round 11 for Round 13 (here I made the same mistake, it should be FPdtr-cluster not FPdc2tog). Read also previous comment here in this article because you should not mark any stitches on Round 12. Thanks for correcting this pattern. I will try to re-upload the correct pattern as soon as possible.

  11. Nona'sMom says:

    cantik sekali…waktu pertama lihat saya kira pattern dari rusia/turkey.

    • Ada Indonesia says:

      Makasih Mom…selamat merajut ya. Oh iya sekarang akun @havefunwithyarn lagi ngadain CAL pake pola ini. Klo mau ikutan boleh loh, jadi kita bisa ngerajut bareng2. Trus klo mau join group di FB boleh juga, jadi bisa update terus klo aku ngeluarin pola2 terbaru. Makasih sekali lagi udah mampir ke websiteku 🙂

  12. Tari says:

    Luar biasa cakepp mba… makasih ya udah berbagi patternnya, sukses selalu ya mba ..

  13. Pooja Mishra says:

    Can I do this pattern with a thicker wool, worsted weight yarn?

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